my music

Monday, March 16, 2009

الناس ونظراتهم لنا

والله ملينا من الناس والاوادم الى مو فاهمين
للاسف احنا عايشيين بمجتمع يعلق على غييره ولا يشووف نفسه
ياخى ليه متى نعيش جذى
ليش كل ما نروح بمكان يطالعونه من فوق لي تحت جنه احنا مخلوقات فضائية !!
ان دشينا المرينا ولا الافنيووز ولا شرق !! لحقونا هالمصبنة وقعدو يعلقون !!!! يعني وين نرووح!! قعدنا بكافيه من هالكافيهات الحلوة هم ماكو فايدة
ان طولنا شعورنا مو عاجبهم وان قصرنا مو عاجبهم ان لبسنا لبس عادي جينزات وتيشرتات قالوا مسترجلات وان لبسنا لبس بنات تطنزوا وقالوا وييييييع مو لايق
واللي ينفس عليك لي رحت مكان ولا تبي شغله ولا معامله ولا مراجعة اي مكان واللي يسرح بأخلاق أخلاقي واللي بالاشارة كلهم يطالعون !! خير يبا شالسالفة عسى ما شرشصاير؟؟ما ادري
شنو نسوي يعني وشالحل والله لاعت جبدي
مجتمعنا الشرقي انا افعل اوكي الناس تفعل لا و لماذا و كيف وويع و قطيعة و مو متربية و كلااااااااااااااااااااااااااام وايد مجتمعنا مشكلته كبيرهالمجتمع العربي كالجمل يطالع حدبة غيره
برا الكويت او برا الدول الاوروبيه
البويه عندهم حالها حال اي شخص عايش بالدنيا يعاملووونك احسن معامله بس عندنا بالعرب كل بعيينه اهووا تووب وتلقونه اهوا زباله تكرمون لمن تصير هالمواقف معاي .. قمت اقول بيني و بين روحي " من سكت عن سفيه نجـا " .. و طبعا الحقران يقطع المصران ,,
مع انه مو دايما يكون الحل لأن في نوعيه من الشباب لازم تسكتهم وتفشلهم .. و انا اعتقد انهم محترين .. لو ماكانو محترين جان ما ارتفع ضغطهم و شاشو و سوو الي سوه و هذا كله لأن لان حظهم هاليومين طااااايح حده و كل البنات الزوووغات يبون بويات و محد يبي شباب عشان جذى يضايقون البويات من القهر اللي فيهم البنات مايعطونهم ويه
نــــظـــرات الناس .. كلامهم ويع .. المشكله ان احيانا يجرحووون بالحجي .. يعني مو مهم لمن يقولون بويه او غيره .. بس يبطون الجبد لمن يقولون : اهلكم ماربوكم .. شكو اهلنا بالموضوع .. و لا لمن يقولون ابهاتكم وينهم عنكم .. اظن هالكلام يجرح الكل ..كل الناس جذي يفكرون ان الاهل اهما اساس كل شي يصير وهذيلي الصراحه متخلفين و محد يقدر يقول عكس جذي ..و احيانا كلام الناس او نظراتهم تسبب احراج للي معاكم ..
الحين السؤال : لي متى محد يحس بهالمعاناه .. و لي متى الاغلبيه ضدنا ؟ تطور العلم و الطب ما فادنا .. لأن الي يسمعون ما يصدقون و لا بعد في منهم يطنزون .. و الي يقرون .. ينكرون .. و يكذبون الي مكتوب او يفسرون على راحتهم و مزاجهم .. و الي و الي .. و اختلفت الاراء من شخص للثاني
وانا عن نفسي ما اهتم براي احد انا اعرف نفسي وادري انا ليش جذي
وترى أرضاء الناس غايه لاتدرك انا ارضي نفسي حتى لو الكل ضدي
اذا مايعجبهم كلهم طاف
اذا انا مقتنع بالشي حتى الدنيا كلها ماتقدر تغيرني عن الشي اللي انا ابيه مدام انته عاجبتك حالتك و مستانس فمالك شغل باي احد يكلمك
يطقون راسهم بالطوفه مع نصايحهم وكلامهم ماراح يهزنى لا اهتم طاف وانا كيفى هذى حياتى مو حياتهم
يعني الناس مالها شغل حتى لو شتسوين مدام اهلج راضين خلاص هذا اهم شي.. هذي حرية شخصيه
منقول مع الزياده

Sunday, March 15, 2009

انا ليدي مو ليز ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

انا ليدي مو ليز ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

ابي اعرف شنو هالسالفه بعداليوم داشه الشات ولا عت شبدي طبعا المسن مالي
لـول النوعيه هاذي وايد والله .. الله يعيينهم على عمارهم

ولا هذى الى عمرها 19 صار بينى وبينها هالكلام هذى وحده سولفت معاها بالمسن امبيه جد فى ناس مخهم اي شى هذى وحده تقول انا ليدي انا سالتها ليز ولا باي قالت ليدي قلت لها يعنى ليز تقولى لا جان اقولها استعبط شنو يعنى ليدي جان تقول تنام مع بويات مو بنات نفس اليز انا بعرف البويات مو بنات وع جد هالاشكال لا تضيفنى ما ابي ناس مو فاهمه يعنى ليدي ولا ليز كلهم نفس الشى مادري البويا مو بنت الحين وع مسخره هذيلا النوع الى تلعب وباشر تتزوج يعنى مو ليز ولا حتى باي همهم النومه من يوم قالت انام مع بويات وبس على بونه ما تكلم شباب اكلم بويا استغفر الله وعععععععععععععععععععع جد وهالنوعيه الى شوهة اليزماكو فرق بين اليز واليدي بس الى عندنا اغبيه واهم شى وحده عمرها 19 بتفهمنى ان فى فرق مادري عاد صكيتها بلوك عقب ما مسخرتها انا ابي اناقش فى وحده تعارض كلامى بس فى فرق بين اليز واليدي برايج وشنو الفرق وعلى فكره راح ارد مع ادله ان ماكو فرق استعدو

قولها انتى ليز ولا باي تقولى ليدي ؟

بله امانه شرد على المتخلفه اقولها ماكو فرق ترد تقولى

يـاتجـــينـــي كــل حــــب وتـحــــب بـجـنــــون يـا يـفــتـــــح اللـــــــه لا تـفــــــــكـر تجــينـــيsays:الليز غير عن الليدي

اليز تنام مع بنات

واليدي تنام مع بويات
لول مادري البويات صارو جنس بروحهم ويع ناس اي شى وربي

والله هاليهال ما منهم فايده وع blocked

هذا رد ناس اعرفهم واتفق معاهم بالرد

محد فاهمنا عشان جذي المجتمع رافضنا !!!متى يتسنعون ويفهمون عدل عشان احنا نعرف نعيش حياااتنا بدوون خووف !!عشان نعترف جدام الكل ان احنا ليز وبدون مايطالعوونا بنظرة غريبه!! جنه كائنات فضائية !!! او فينا مرض نفسي !!!صج تخلف × تخلف يعني عبالهم البويه صبي لوول لان ستايلها جذي عشان جذي اغلب البنات اللي مو ليز يروحون عند البويات بذااات بالمدااارس عشاان النوووم والبوووس وبس واهمه بالاسااااس يموتون عالشباااااب بس جدام اهلهم عشان لايشكون فيها يحاجون بويه والاهل يسكتون لانها بنتانا احس البويات مظلومين اكثر يمكن لان شكلهم يبين ان ليز وان البنات بذااات اللي بالمدااارس يبونهم عشان نوم مو حب الله يعينهم بس صج النوعيه اللي جذي من البنات احس وصخيييييين قطيييعهصج ارف وييييييييييييع مجتمع تفكيره سطحي ماادري متى يتسنعون

على فكرة وايد بنات جذي للأسف تفرق بين ليز, بوية والليديماادري اشلون لكن تعريف خليجي باااايخ ان الليز مع بنات والليدي مع بوياتوايد كلمت بنات جذي وتنرفزت ماتحملت الفكرة فأسكت لوووولكل الي اقدر اقولةالليز = ليزبيان = (بنوتة + بوية) = (بنوتة + بوية) = (بوية + بوية) = مهما كان ستايل الشخصدامها بنت اتحب بنت يعني ليييييييييز ...لكن للاسف الثقافة عندنا بمجتمعنا مخربطة والي اتقولج انه ليدي وانه ليييزبيان شرقية وفي ليزبيان غربية...شي يصدم الله يعييين صراحة لازم انسوي محااضرات بالخليج بخصوص هالموضوع عشاناشوي تفهم,,

والله بصراحه تنرفز يعنى بالعقل البويه شنو بالضبط يايه من كوكب ثانى يعنى اهيه لاتنام مع الشباب ولا تنام مع بنات يعنى بس تنام مع البويات زين بفهم يعنى البويات من اى نوع فى نوع ثانى احنا كبشر انعرفه يعنى امبيه حده اى شى وااااااى حده عبيطهاحس صج ياهل

ترى في بنات واااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااايد جذي عبالهم البويه واليدي و اللز غير ترى السالفه فرق ستايلات و احساسات لا اكثر ولا اقل و الي يبط الجبد البويه الي تقول ويع بنات لزبو احس اني راح اموتها والله وااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااايد من هالبويات ام طقه جذي صج ناس متخلفه و صاجه شوشو وااايد بنات في سكولنا من هالنوع الي قولون احنا ليديات مو لز ماماتي فهميني شلفرق و الله ماي فرند مصخرت وحده من هانوعيات مع ان ماي فرند ستريت لاكن اهي فاهمه و هالناس الي يفهمون شوي مشكوره تومي على الموضوع الي وايد قام يصير

Friday, March 13, 2009

Lindsay Lohan And Sam All Smiles While Leaving Villa

damn look at her smile shes so cute

Lindsay Lohan And Sam All Smiles While Leaving Villa
Lindsay Lohan and Britney Spears


Sunday, March 8, 2009

Did Whoopi Goldberg Come Out of the Closet on The View?

Did Whoopi Goldberg Come Out of the Closet on The View?

At Rachel Maddow's first appearance on The View yesterday they discussed how Maddow was outed to her parents by anonymous letter. Maddow also discussed meeting her partner Susan Mikula, being 'glammed up' as a news anchor, and her childhood as a tomboy:

"I had long blonde hair, but even as a little girl with long blonde hair, I looked like one of the Hanson boys."

One of our commenters brings up a good question.

The conversation prompted Barbara Walters to point at Whoopi Goldberg and say, "She's about to come out of the closet today."

Replied Whoopi: "Please, that door's been open for years..."

Has it? Or did Whoopi just finally open it?

Goldberg appeared at last November's Prop 8 protest in New York and discussed it on The View, but never mentioned her own sexuality, only that she was there for her friends. That was indicated by the sign she held as well.

In 2006, Goldberg told the New York Times: "No, I am not a lesbian. I describe myself as heterosexual. I think it is hard to have good relationships with anyone."

I'm not sure if I missed something since 2006, but please fill me in if I did.

Watch it, AFTER THE JUMP...

Why Do lesbians like Butch Girls? And why are Straight girls more “gay” than straight males?

Why Do lesbians like Butch Girls? And why are Straight girls more “gay” than straight males?

First, let us define and show the world the butch/studness of a lady. This is from a documentary on stud lesbians.

نورة تبجي .....!!!!!

عاشوووا البويات :P

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

نوره العميري الى فى ستار اكاديمي الحين‏

عاشو بويات الكويت

الاسم: نورة العميري
الدراسة /إدارة اعمال
الهوايات :بلاي ستيشن والرياضة بانواعها

قناة ستار اكاديمي 6 مشاهدة انتظر من 2 -5 دقائق لتظهر القناة قناة ستار اكاديمي 6 على الانترنت

سوف يعرض البرايمات كل يوم جمعة

يكد يمر 48 ساعة على إنطلاق برنامج ستار أكاديمي ، ودخول الطلاب إلى الأكاديمية حتى بدأت تظهر أولى خلافات الطلاب التي ، لاتنتهي . فقد تشاجرت المشتركة الكويتية نورا مع اية من مصر ، وبدأت وصلة ردح من العيار الثقيل ، ليتدخل الطالب الكويتي إبراهيم دشتي وينحاز لأبنة بلده نورا والتي تعتبر أول كويتية تشارك في ستار أكاديمي، متلفظا بعبارات لاتليق بطالب لازال في يومه الثاني في الأكاديمية، فنورا ثارت ثأرتها لانها لاتحب أن يكلمها أحد بصوت مرتفعا كما فعلت اية معها ولتبدأ وصلة الأخذ والرد والتدخل من الطلاب لمحاولة التهدئة بين الطالبتين. وأول الغيث قطر.23/

لارا تعلم نورا ايطالي


طبعا ايه الغلطانه فيه ناس عادي تاخذين الشي من دون استأذان لكن فيه ناس لازم تستأذنين وهذا من حقها وهذي طبيعتها مايقدر احد يغيرها

بعد امزهبه الشغل والشنب مع تانيا

نورا العميري

ستـــــــــــــــــــــــــــا  رك

بنــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ــــت الكــــــــويـــــت

عاشت بوية الكويت ما توقعت البنات أحبونها أنا أحلى منه

هوشة نوره
شجار بين نورا من الكويت واية من مصر والسبب الشعر والمشط . والشيء الذي لفت الانظار

طبعا ايه الغلطانه فيه ناس عادي تاخذين الشي من دون استأذان لكن فيه ناس لازم تستأذنين وهذا من حقها وهذي طبيعتها مايقدر احد يغيرها

بعد امزهبه الشغل والشنب مع تانيا

عاشت بوية الكويت
ما توقعت البنات أحبونها أنا أحلى منها

Monday, March 2, 2009

Am I different? Are we?

Am I different? Are we?

Do I think that I am really all that different from other people?
How do you answer this? Honestly…how do you write about yourself? Is it ever the truth? Do you even really KNOW yourself enough to begin to answer this?
I will try my best, but certainly don’t know how it will end….
I can walk down the street, or down the aisle of a store and point out differences all around. What you see on the outside of course is different. We were raised different ways, we all came from different families…different origins. Different homes. Yet, is there actually something that somehow brings us together? Absolutely. I believe it anyway.
As I said, someone on the outside may look different, but when you do the research on the inside, you see the same. You look at the heart, and you see someone who has loved. You see someone who has hurt. You see someone who has been confused. You look at the brain and you see it all. You see the everyday worries, technicalities of life…thoughts in general. You find the overworked body. You find pictures, words, songs, memories…
Our body works the same, the only things that ever really seperate us are the things that we are taught. The things that people say.

The words that influence our thoughts. The way we grow up…

Jessica Capshaw Signs on For More Grey’s Anatomy

Jessica Capshaw Signs on For More Grey’s Anatomy
By Staff
Topics: TV News
Celebrities: Katherine Heigl 1 Comment
Looks like there is finally someone who wants to stick around Seattle Grace hospital.

Grey’s Anatomy has signed on newcomer Jessica Capshaw to a contract, reports.

Capshaw currently plays pediatrician Arizona Robbins–and the latest lesbian crush for Dr. Callie Torres.

Initially, the former Practice star was only signed on for three episodes, but Capshaw’s return will hopefully silence critics who felt Grey’s was anti-gay when Callie’s first girlfriend, Dr. Hahn, was abruptly dismissed from the show.

Jessica’s contract comes just as rumors that two of the show’s original characters, Katherine Heigl and T.R. Knight, are hanging up their scrubs for good.

Jessica Capshaw
The last name may sound familiar ... her mother is the actress Kate Capshaw. However, she has worked hard on establishing an acting career on her own and not trading on her family name. Instead of delving into the Hollywood acting trade after high school, she attended Brown University, studying theater at Brown and at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts. "It was a choice that I made which was not to say, 'Hollywood, here I come.' You have to really want to do this to do it. No matter who you are." And she continued to work hard, auditioning and winning several roles in film and television over the past five years.
Jessica was born on August 9, 1976 in Columbia, Missouri, the daughter of a teacher and principal of the local high school. Her mother began to do some modeling work in the area, and the family moved to New York to pursue her mother's budding modeling career at the Ford Modeling Agency. Her parents divorced when she was three, and she lived primarily with her mother, ultimately arriving in Los Angeles when her mother's acting career began to take off.
Check out the following articles to learn more about Jessica's life and career
People Weekly TV Guide (1999) Talk US WeeklyParade Magazine TV Guide (2003)
While her mother was getting the acting bug, she also showed interest in the performing arts when she was a young child. As described in her ABC biography for "Odd Man Out", as a little girl she would climb up on her bathroom wash basin and tell herself stories in the mirror. Jessica was also the center-of-attention at Christmas family reunions when she would perform short plays. Her first formal introduction to acting came while she was a student at Harvard-Westlake High School, a private school in western Los Angeles with a well-known performing arts program. She appeared in several stage performances including "The Cherry Orchard", "Tea and Sympathy", and "The Grapes of Wrath". She also got a first hand look at the inner workings of filmmaking when she interned for the Oscar-winning film "Schindler's List" in the summer of 1993. (Kate Capshaw married director Steven Speilberg in 1991.)
After high school Jessica started a rigorous training regimen in her studies of the fine arts and acting. She attended Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island and graduated in 1998 with a Bachelor's degree in English literature. During her four years at Brown, she also studied theater in the university's Theater Arts Program and performed in the plays "Arcadia" and "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof". While at Brown she studied abroad for a semester at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts in London, where she performed the role of Puck in William Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream".
Getting an early start on her acting career, Jessica performed in roles in television and feature films while still attending Brown. Her television debut in the spring of 1996 was a guest role in a highly acclaimed episode of the ABC crime series "High Incident". The 1997 release of "The Locusts" was her feature film debut in which she portrayed a plain small-town girl in 1960's Kansas. She altered her appearance for the role by donning glasses and dying her hair brown. She added to her formal training at this time, studying under the tutelage of the famed New York acting coach Harold Guskin who has also taught such well-known actors as Michael J. Fox, Kevin Kline, Jennifer Connelly, and Michelle Pfeiffer.
Seventeen Magazine, May 2002

Vogue, December 1997
After graduating from Brown, she hit the pavement and performed small parts in the films "The Love Letter" (1999) and the romantic comedy "Denial" (1998) and a guest part on the television series "ER" in the spring of 1999. She also had a major role in the small-budget, independent romantic comedy film "Killing Cinderella" which was released in 2000. Her first big break came in the fall of 1999 with a regular role on the ABC comedy series "Odd Man Out". She portrayed Aunt Jordan, a booker at a modeling agency, who was one of five females living in a house with her nephew, the sole male in the house. The series did not get good ratings and only aired for 13 episodes with the last episode airing in January 2000. Despite its short airing, this series brought Jessica important public recognition in a regular series, and she stayed in the public eye with many public appearances.
This led to her most recognized role to date - Dorothy in the 2001 horror film "Valentine". Jessica describes her character, "Dorothy was always the really shy girl and is always battling all these demons. She had a family that wasn’t so caring and she was just kind of different than everyone else. Now she’s grown up to be something quite different, and very much looks like she belongs, but still feels like the little girl that didn’t belong." This was her first lead role performing with a slew of young talent including Denise Richards, David Boreanaz, and Marley Shelton.
What has Jessica been doing since "Valentine"? Check the The Latest News page to get up to date on Jessica's career including her new role on ABC's The Practice.

Derrick Barry impersonator Britney Spears

Derrick Barry impersonator Britney Spears

Congratulation to Matt Mitcham, Gay Olympian 2008

watch on line gay or les movies

4 cool gay or lesbian movies world wide cheack this site u can watch even online

The Morning After

Wer mit wem? - German ,Zwei Frauen, ein Mann und ein Baby - German

Wer mit wem? - German

Zwei Frauen, ein Mann und ein Baby - German

Another Gay Movie 2, Gays Gone Wild

Another Gay Movie 2, Gays Gone Wild

Jalopy with Samantha Ronson - In and Out of Love + Banter

Sam Ronson sings to Lindsay! (2009-02-24)

samantha ronson,jalopy and lindsay lohan

7/8 Jalopy with Samantha Ronson - In and Out of Love + Banter

6/8 Jalopy with Samantha Ronson - Banter + Indian Summer


Lindsay Lohan Still Lives With Sam, Still Loves McDonald's

المثلية الجنسية - شهادة ضاوية ٢

المثلية الجنسية - شهادة ضاوية ٢

المثلية الجنسية - شهادة هناء ١

المثلية الجنسية - شهادة هناء ٢

المثلية الجنسية - شهادة هناء ٢

أحمر بالخط العريض : أراء الناس حول المثلية الجنسية

مالت عليكم منو طلب انكم تساعدونا ويع عاد تفكيركم زباله اشعرفكم فديت الاجانب وتفكيرهم والله عادي طاف الى خلقكم خلق غيركم
تفكيرهم احسن

Lebanon - lbci - Ahmar bil khat al Arid - Malek Maktabi - 14/01/2009

أحمر بالخط العريض : راشد - مثلي جنسي

أحمر بالخط العريض : راشد - مثلي جنسي

أحمر بالخط العريض : خطيب عبدالله - مثلي جنسي

أحمر بالخط العريض : ألفريد الهاني - مثلي جنسي

المثلية الجنسية - شهادة عمرو الرفاعي ١

المثلية الجنسية - شهادة عمرو الرفاعي ٢

المثلية الجنسية - شهادة عمرو الرفاعي ٣

Lebanon - lbci - Malek Maktabi - Ahmar bil Khat al Arid Report - Angelie Acaf - 28/01/2009

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Gay American Heroes,and Snickers Anti Gay Ad Pulled: I Pity the Fool

Snickers Anti Gay Ad Pulled: I Pity the Fool
Are you fucking kidding me with this? ".
Mars Inc produced a commercial for the popular candy bar SNICKERS with gay bashing as a theme. A very effeminate man is power-walking through a suburban neighborhood when Mr T bursts through the yards in a military vehicle shouting, "Be a man!" and stars shooting at him with an assault rifle. Mr. T also shouts out "You are a disgrace to the man race!" and "It's time to run like a man!"
Then the tag comes up, "Snickers. Get some nuts."
cheack it

Reps from HRC (The Human Rights Campaign) met with Mars and the commercial has since been pulled. This is the second time in just a few years that the Mars company has had to pull an ad because of anti gay tones.

If you'd like a look at the real stories of this "comic depiction", visit Gay American Heroes, an organization established to memorialize those that have been killed in the U.S. for being LGBT. Here are a few people who have been "attacked" and murdered in the same spirit of this candy bar ad.

it's very lesbian in TOP GUN: THE MUSICAL

TOP GUN has always been considered very "gay", but now it's very lesbian in TOP GUN: THE MUSICAL

MILK Trailer

MILK Trailer - Watch it Here and Comment
The trailer has just come out for the biopic about gay rights activist Harvey Milk, starring Sean Penn in the starring role, with uber Producers Bruce Cohen and Dan Jinks (American Beauty, Pushing Daisies) at the helm and Gus Van Sant in the director's chair.

Gay Quiz Answers

Gay Quiz Answers
Yesterday, we asked which one of these actors have NOT played a gay character in a film - test your gay movie knowledge and see the answers below.
a) Kate Winslet
b) Vanessa Redgrave
c) Susan Sarandon
d) Wesley Snipese) William Hurt
f) Shirley MacLaine
g) Glenn Closeh) Meryl Streep
Actually, it's C for Susan Sarandon
who played BISEXUAL in THE HUNGER.
a) Kate Winslet - Heavenly Creatures
b) Vanessa Redgrave - If These Walls Could Talk 2
c) Susan Sarandon -
e) William Hurt - Kiss of the Spiderwoman
f) Shirley MacLaine - The Children's Hourg
) Glenn Close - Serving in Silence
h) Meryl Streep - The Hours

Lesbian Fashion Show

Dinah Shore 2008: Star Studded Lesbian Fashion Show: The Rehearsal

A slew of America's hottest out actresses and celebs got together to rehearse for the big runway fashion show, which will happen tonight at the Doral grand ballroom during the White Diamond party.

Models included LOGO's Michelle Fleury, Dani Campbell, here!'s Jill Bennett, Briana, Jane Lynch, Jen Houston, Thea Gill and Suzanne Westenhoefer.

You know what they say....getting a bunch of lesbians in a room and trying to get things done is like herding cats! It was even harder on the director when class clowns Jane Lynch and Suzanne Westenhoefer kept cracking everyone up!

The girls all donned skateboard fashions and got their moves down for the big show tonight. I have to tell you it was very moving seeing all these out stars in one room. When I was a kid, there were NO GAY PEOPLE anywhere, especially on tv. My only role model was Paul Lynde in the center square (which you know, explains a lot about my personality) so I think it's beyond fantastic that all these women are not only take on the fashion scene and owning that, but are also gay and proud so young LGBT kids can have someone they identify with on tv.

Here's a clip from the practice run, jokes and all:

Labels: xdinahx fashion show lesbian jane lynch dani campbell dinah shore 2008 the smoking cocktail jill bennett

1 pithy remarks. Click here to Comment:
Anonymous said...
Thanks for doing what you do, too. I'll de-lurk to just say that I know exactly what you mean about growing up without a gay/lesbian role model. (I think we're in the same age bracket.) While TV is a great place for kids to find someone they can identify with, the Internet is just as important and you are providing a fantastic place and content to inspire all age groups.