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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Boys Don't Cry

Boys Don't Cry

This is the movie trailer for the film Boys Don't Cry starring Hilary Swank and Chloë Sevigny

Boys Don't Cry Trailer

هذا الفيلم قصه حقيقيه والفيلم مؤثر جدا

وهنا في المقطع بتشوفوون بعض الصور للشخصيات الحقيقيه

ممكن تشوفين لقطات من الفلم عن طريق هذا الموقع

بعدين تحطين اسم الفلم الي تبحثين عنه في خانة البحث ويظهر لك مقطع منه او عدة مقاطاع اي يكون الفلم على اجزاء تلاقيها الاجزاءمرقمة بالترقيم 1 2 3 الى اخره على الجنب

الافلام بعضها حلوة وبعضها الاجزاء جنبها لقطات من الفلم نفسه لانه تلاقي في لقطات علاقة بين فتاتيين عاديتان اي سحاق او شذوذ وانا ضد هالشي..اما اذا كانت العلاقة بين فتاة وفتاة بس بالاسم فتاة وتحس انها رجل وتحاول حل مشكلتها وهي 100 بال100 رجل فلا مشكلة برايي

طبعا بهذي الطريقة راح تقدر تشوف كم جزء من الفلم او اجزاء منه على حسب الموجود بالموقع

الطريفة الثانية عن طريق بعض اللنكات المباشرة الي انا حاطهتا لبعض الافلام

It's In The Water

The L word - Shane and Carmen

The L word - Shane and Carmen

مقطع توحفه بين شاين وكارمن





صفحه كامله حق بوية ترانس تحولت الى رجل وهذا سايته

صفحه كامله حق بوية ترانس تحولت الى رجل وهذا سايته

وفي مراحل العلاج لهذا الشخص اول باول

فديو شخص تحول من انثى الى ذكر

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته بحط اليكم فديوات الى ناس قبل التحول وبعد التحول أتمنى تستفيدوا

طبعا هذا الفيديو يبين لنا كيف ياخد هرمون التستستروين

اهم شي اقولكم ملاحظة مهمة لحد يفكر ياخذ مثل هالسوالف اذا ماكنا الي فيه فعلا اضطراب بالهوية الجنسية ولازم انه يسويي العمليه لانه في هالجال بيكون حرام انه ياخذ مثل هالسوالف

ثاني شغله لحد ياخذ الهرمنات لمدة اكثر من سنة او سنتين ..لازم الي ياخذها ياخذها على الاقل قبل العملية بسنة ..ياخذها سنة ويسويي العمليه ومايطول واهو ياخذها لانها خطره وتضر اذا الواحد خذاها وفترة طويله وبدون بعد لايشيل الاعضاء الانثويه فلازم يسوي العمليه بعد ماياخذها بسنة والله يوفق كل وواحد بهالشي اذا كانت حالته ضمن الحالات الي انذكرت بالفتاوي الي تحلل تصحيح الجنس

هذا بعد أخد الهرمون بفتره

وهذي بعد عملية استأصال الصدر

وهذا اخر فيديو

بعد سنوات من أخد الهرمون ص

الفرق الشاسع بين اضطراب الهويه الجنسيه و الشذوذ الجنسي ؟

الفرق الشاسع بين اضطراب الهويه الجنسيه و الشذوذ الجنسي ؟


برغم ان الطب في العالم كله قد أوضح الفرق الكبير بين مرض (اضطراب الهويه الجنسيه او التحول الجنسي او الترانسكس او الترانسجندر) وبين (الجنسيه المثليه او الشذوذ الجنسي) منذ عشرات السنين, إلا اننا في العالم العربي مازلنا نعاني من جهل الكثير من الناس بهذا الفرق الخطيــــر.

اولاً مرض اضطراب الهويه الجنسيه (Transsexualism) :

هو ان يولد الطفل مثلا بجسد انثى بينما يشعر انه ذكر والعكس صحيح , و يكون هذا الشعور راسخا غير قابل للتغيير بحيث ينطبع على سلوك الطفل و تصرفاته فنجده يتكلم بصيغة الجنس الآخر و يتمسك بارتداء ملابسهم ولا يلعب سوى ألعابهم, ومهما حاول الاهل توجيه الطفل و نصحه و إرشاده إلا ان ذلك لا يأتي بأي نفع حيث ان السبب هو (المخ), فإذا كان مركز الهويه الجنسيه في المخ يخبر صاحبه انه ذكر مع ان جسده انثى (مثلا) فإنه من المستحيــــــــــــــل ان يتغير شعور الطفل بأي طريقةٍ كانت .

وقد حاول الآطباء لعشرات السنين الوصول لعلاج نفسي او دوائي يغير تلك الهويه الجنسيه المخالفه للجنس الجيني و الفيسيولوجي للمريض ولكنهم فشلوا في ذلك فشلا ذريعا و لم يبقى امام الطب خيار اخر لعلاج هؤلاء المرضى سوى العلاج الجراحي (عملية تصحيح الجنس).

لذا فمشكلة مريض اضطراب الهويه هي انه يشعر بأنه مسجون في جسد ليس جسده و تصل درجة كرهه لذلك الجسد الى ان يتمنى ان يقطع بعض أجزاء جسمه, بل و يصل الأمر الى ان يقدم المريض على استئصالها بنفسه و في الحالات الشديده يدخل المريض في حالة الاكتئاب المرضي الذي يودي به في النهايه إلى محاولة الإنتحار اذا لم يبدأ العلاج.

ثانيا الجنسيه المثليه أو اشذوذ الجنسي (Homosexuallity):

وهذا لا يندرج تحت قائمة الأمراض حيث ان اصحابه لا يعتبرون انفسهم مرضى وإنما يسمونه اسلوب حياه ( life style ) , ولا يشعر المثلي مطلقا بأنه ينتمي الى الجنس الاخر وليست عنده ادنى رغبه في تغيير جنسه, بل هو يعتز بجنسه و يرغب في ممارسة الجنس مع افراد من نفس جنسه ويؤمن بإمكانية وجود علاقة جنسيه بين اثنين من نفس الجنس,

(على عكس الترانسكس الذي يرفض هذا المبدأ تماما و يرغب في تصحيح جنسه حتى يعيش حياه طبيعيه قائمه على العلاقه بين الذكر و الأنثى).

اتمنى ان اكون تمكنت من ايصال المعلومه حتى ينتشر الوعي بهذا الفرق الكبير في شعوبنا العربيه و الإسلاميه.

من هم مرضى اضطراب الهويه الجنسيه ؟

اخواني أخواتي انا نقلت لكم هالموضوع لكي افيد بعض الناس عن هالمرض اللي مستحيل يعرفه احد من دون دراسه ولهذا فان غالبية المرضى بهذا المرض يستهزأ بهم الناس ويذمهم ويعدهم من قاذورات الدنيا ،،،

حبيت افهم الناس عن هذا المرض وشوفوا الأعراض وانتو اذا حسيتوا أن فيه احد تعرفونه يعاني من هذا المرض رجاء حاولوا تودونه عند طبيب نفساني لان هذا المرض اذا ما حس المريض بان احد فاهمه او الكل ينتقده مثل بنت وفي عقلها الباطني ولد او العكس والكل ينتقدها على شكلها الصبياني فيؤدي ذلك الى الاكتئاب أو الانتحار و أنا أنصحكم بالدكتور النابغة طارق الحبيب ،،

اضطراب الهوية الجنسية


هو خلل واضطراب

و صل الطب حديثا الى ان اسبابه بيولوجيه نتيجه لخلل في الهورمونات اثناء فترة تكون الجنين في الرحم و هذا يؤدي الى تأثر الجزء المسئول عن الهويه الجنسيه في المخ وهذا طبعا تفسير مبسط لتفاصيل ذلك الخلل

و تأثيره على المخ.

اذا نحن نتكلم عن اضطراب , عن مرض تظهر اعراضه في فترة الطفوله المبكره

وهي ان يشعر الطفل بلأنتماء الى الجنس الأخر و يصر على اللعب مع اطفال الجنس الأخر و العاب الجنس الأخر و يسلك سلوك الجنس الأخر و يتكلم بصيغة الجنس الأخر ويلبس ملابسهم و يحاول التبول بطريقتهم, وهذا الكلام مذكور تفصيلا في كل مراجع الطب النفسي.

وهنا نوضح ان هذا ليس مجرد سلوكا صبيانيا لطفله او هدوء بناتي لطفل , بل هو شعور قهري غير قابل للتغير بأي وسيلة كانت سواء النصح و الإرشاد او حتى الضرب

وفي نفس الوقت هو ليس تأثر ببيئه او مجتمع,,, فنحن في مجتمع كمجتمعنا تعتبر المرأه فيه هي الأضعف و تحارب من اجل الحصول على حقوقها و يأخذ الرجل وضعه و حقوقه كامله ومع ذلك نجد في المجتمعات الذكوريه في الريف و الصعيد ان هناك ذكور يعانون من هذا الإضطراب و يشعرون بأنهم اناث و يتمننون ان يصححوا اجسادهم لتتوافق مع عقولهم كإناث برغم ان الإناث في مجتمعاتهم يعتبرن عار و ابتلاء و يعاملن كجاريات في كثير من الأحيان

اذا هذا المرض ليس نتاج تأثر بالبيئه او التربيه و ما الى ذلك بل هو اضطراب في مركز الهويه الجنسيه في المخ بسبب عوامل فيسيولوجيه بيولوجيه و ليس وهم ولا مس شيطان و لا هوى نفس و لا شهوه

Monday, August 23, 2010

ابنة جولي تريد التحول الى صبي

ابنة جولي تريد التحول الى صبي

أدى التحوّل في شكل ابنة براد بيت وانجيلينا جولي "شيلوه" إلى انتشار أقاويل تزعم ان الطفلة لديها اضطراب في الهوية الجنسية.

القاهرة: بعد سنتين من الحياة كطفلة عادية ترتدي ملابس الفتيات وتلعب بالدمى، ظهر تغير مفاجئ على هيئة وسلوك "شيلوه" الابنة البيولوجية الكبرى للثنائي براد بيت وانجيلينا جولي، إذ أعلنت الطفلة أن أمنيتها الوحيدة هي التحول إلى صبي والحصول على شعر قصير، ما أدى إلى انتشار أقاويل تزعم انها ستكون مثلية .

ومن ناحيتها، أكدت جولي لمجلة "فانيتي فير" أنها وعلى الرغم من إعجابها بشخصية ابنتها وحرصها على ارتداء ما يريحها وجعلها تعبر عن شخصيتها، لكن في المقابل فهي قلقة حول هويتها خصوصًا مع إصرار الطفلة على ارتداء ملابس الفتيان وعدم مناداتها سوى باسم "جون".

Flirting Tips for Lesbians

Flirting Tips for Lesbians

How to let her know you're interested

By Kathy Belge, Guide

How does a woman flirt with another woman? That can be tricky, especially if you do not know the sexual orientation of the object of your flirt.

There's nothing like having someone flirt with you to boost your self-esteem. Whether or not you return the attraction, it feels good to know that someone finds you attractive. Flirting is an art. It's a two-way game. You have to be able to read your partner's interest and comfort in the flirtation in order to know how to proceed.

But, if done properly, there is nothing better or more exciting than letting the electricity grow between you two in the beginning stages of a relationship. Flirting can be subtle or overt. I prefer the subtle kind.

Here's some tips for flirting:

•When you're out together, try to sit near her. Notice if she moves closer or farther away. When you're sitting on a couch and your thighs touch, what does she do? Does she let it stay or inch away?

•Look her in the eye when you are talking. Hold the stare for a little longer than you would a normal conversation.

•It may sound corny, but open a door for her to walk through.

•If you're sitting across from each other, gently put your hand on hers. Don't move it away unless she does.

•Tell her she looks nice tonight. Compliment her hair or outfit.

•Find out what makes her laugh. There's nothing like humor to cut the tension and loosen you both up.

•Offer to get her a drink if you're at a party or bar together.

•Touch her hand or shoulder when you hand her a drink.

•Tell her you've been thinking about her.

•Call her just to say hi and see what's she's been doing.

•Send her a little note that says you enjoyed spending time together. An email is okay, hand written and dropped at her door or mailed is better.

Be careful not to over do it. You don't want to seem like a stalker. Look for signs that your flirtation is unwanted. Does she get off the phone quickly when you call? Do you send her long flowery e-mails, only to get one line answers in return? If so, back off and let her come to you.

Good luck and most of all, have fun!

How To Tell if a Woman is Interested in You

How To Tell if a Woman is Interested in You

Dating Women

Although there are no sure-fire ways to tell, here are some way to guess if a woman is interested in you, especially for bisexual and lesbian women.

Difficulty: Hard

Time Required: N/A

Here's How:

1.She Tries to Make Eye Contact

Does she go out of her way to try and catch your eye? Do you catch her looking at you when you glance her way? These are signs that she's intrigued, but it may or may not have anything to do with a romantic interest. Pay attention to the context. These clues are a lot more telling at a lesbian bar then in the workplace.

2.She Makes a Point of Sitting Near You

At work she sits next to you in staff meetings. In a group of friends she'll take the seat right next to you or right across from you.

3.She Goes Out of Her Way to Engage with You

Does she always come by your cubicle at work to check in about a project that could easily be talked about via email? Does she show up at your softball games, at the club where you bartend or hang around outside your classroom when her next class is far away? These are all signs she could be into you. Then again, it could be your co-worker, boss or classmate.

4.She laughs at your jokes

Especially if they're not funny.

5.She touches you.

Does she touch your hand when she asks to see your ring? Are there moments when touching is not called for, but she does anyway, like sitting close on a couch or giving your shoulder a squeeze when you pass by her.

6.She compliments you.

If she says you have pretty eyes or a nice smile, she's probably flirting with you. If she compliments your shirt, hair or shoes, she could just like them.

7.She jokes around with you.

Humor is a great ice breaker. If she likes you, she may tease you, joke with you or flirt with you.

8.Your intuition is tell you so.

Don't discount the power of your intuition. Often the energy between two people is palpable. Feel for it, but you can never be sure if one-sided.

9.She tells you.

This is only sure fire way to find out if someone is into you. Either that or she tries to kiss you.


1.Warning: If she is your personal trainer or therapist, these things are part of her job (Well, obviously not the kissing...) She is NOT interested in you!

2.Pay attention

Is she acting this way just toward you, or is she a touchy, flirty person in general.

3.Have good boundaries.

If this is a co-worker and you're interested in finding out more, invite her to hang out outside of work. Hitting on someone at work is highly inappropriate and may get you fired.

4.Use Caution

All of these things may add up to her liking you, but don't do anything stupid or rash. Take it slow and get to know her before you make a fool of yourself.

5.Find out if she is gay or bi.

She may not know yet if she is lesbian or bi, but you can start by coming out to her and seeing how she responds. Here are some suggestions of ways to bring up the topic.

How To Write a Lesbian Love Letter

Sexy Fridays: How to Write a Lesbian Love Letter

Why would you write a love letter to your sweetie instead of just texting her or telling her you love her on the phone? Writing is tactile. As you put pen to paper, you're putting a piece of yourself down, where she can pick it up and hold it. You're giving her something she can keep and cherish. Something she can put in a box or a drawer and take out and touch from time to time. Especially if you live far apart or are going away, writing a love letter is a great way to remind her of how you feel about her when you're not around.

But even if you live together, surprise her with a hand written note under her pillow, with breakfast in bed or slipped into her briefcase as she heads out the door for work. Not sure where to start? Here are some tips for writing a lesbian love letter.

How To Write a Lesbian Love Letter

By Kathy Belge, Guide

.See More About:lesbian dating advicelesbian relationships

Love Letter

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Love Letters

I Love You

Lesbian Chatting

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Lesbian Dating Sites

Writing a love letter can be one of the most romantic things you do. Follow these steps to write a romantic love letter to your lesbian partner.

Difficulty: Average

Time Required: Varies

Here's How:

1.Keep notes. Before you even put pen to paper, think about the feeling you want to express to your lover. Jot down ideas when they come to you of specific things you want to mention. Take a few days to just ponder her.

2.Be descriptive. Think of a specific instance and recall how you were feeling. Tell her that in your own words. "The first time I saw you across the room, I couldn't speak. I forgot where I was in the story I was telling and all I could do was follow you with my eyes all night."

3.Get creative. While saying "I Love You" is nice, find a unique way to say exactly how you feel. Try to avoid cliches like butterflies in your stomach and "the world stopped when I saw you."

4.Get Personal. What is it you love about her? What are her best qualities? Tell her.

5.Direct it at her. It's good to say how you feel, but don't forget to tell her about her. Describe the thing about her that drives you crazy, the way her eyes light up a room or the great sense of humor she has. Again be specific. "Your chicken parmesan is the best in all of Kansas," or "The way you dance is sexier than Shakira."

6.Get Sexy. Without getting too graphic. Tell her what it is that is attractive to you. Her hair. Her eyes. The way she fills out a pair of jeans.

7.Add poetry. Try your hand at writing her a simple verse. If you're not a poet yourself, quote from another poet or a song that makes you think of her.

8.Write from your heart. Don't worry so much about if you get it perfect. Just make sure it's sincere.

9.Fess up. If the reason you're writing this letter is because you messed up and are trying to win back her graces, be sure to own your mistakes and promise not to take her for granted again.

10.Love her! Don't forget to tell her you love her.

11.Add a personal touch. Decorate it with photos of the two of you together or images from magazines that remind you of her.


1.Write it out ahead of time on scrap paper. Scratch out, write and re-write until you have it perfect.

2.Don't email it. Hand write it on fancy paper or a card and add a touch of your cologne if you wear it.

3.Send it in the mail. There's something special about receiving a personal letter in the mail these days.

4.Offer to read it out loud to her after she receives it.

5.Don't get too heavy, especially if you haven't been dating all that long. You want it to sound thoughtful, not like a stalker.

What You Need:


•Nice paper

•Her address

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Video: Is Kristen Stewart a Lesbian? Well actually, who cares???

Video: Is Kristen Stewart a Lesbian? Well actually, who cares???What is up with these Kristen Stewart lesbian rumors? This past week has seen a lot of speculation on the web that K-Stew likes girls better than guys after Perez Hilton wrote about the issue on his blog. But actually a little investigation reveals on Google that the rumor has been swirling for months... why?

Of course the whole thing flared up on Sunday night when Kristen and Robert Pattinson won Best Kiss honors at the MTV Movie Awards for the second year in a row and as a joke they tried to put their on again off again romance rumors to rest with an awkward kiss. But the joke seems to have backfired when they both showed a rare case of bad acting skills.

Sure, Kristen looked awkward and the two have done a much better job of it in the movies. But does that mean Kristen is a lesbian?

Y'know, these days it's OK to come out. It doesn't seem to have a disastrous effect on careers like it used to. Look at Adam Lambert... of course in his case it was like, Duh!

So what if she IS a lesbian? Who gives a crap? Well, maybe R-Patz... I mean, if he truly is in love with her and wants to be with her it could be devastating. Unless HE'S gay... hmmm... not bloody likely!

Give Kristen a break! I hope she finds the true love of her life someday... boy OR girl!

Here's the infamous kiss... decide for yourself:

Megan Fox, a lesbian superhero?

Megan Fox, a lesbian superhero?Hollywood star Megan Fox wants to play lesbian superhero Rainmaker from the comic book series Gen 13. The 24-year-old star won various Teen Choice Awards nominations for her breakout role of Mikaela Banesin in Transformers, in 2007.

But she has been replaced by British model Rosie Huntington-Whiteley in the third Transformers movie, reported Contactmusic.

“I don’t want people to protest this, but I would like to be Sarah Rainmaker in Gen 13 if they ever made that into a movie,” Fox said.

“She’s a Native American and I have a little bit of that blood in me,” Fox said.

Melissa Etheridge's Ex Files for Full Custody

Melissa Etheridge's Ex Files for Full CustodyAre Melissa Etheridge and Tammy Lynn Michaels headed for a custody battle? Almost a week after the singer filed legal documents to end their partnership, Michaels also went to court to file her own papers.

But while Etheridge, 49, requested joint custody of the couple's 3-year-old twins, Michaels, 35, is seeking full legal and physical custody, with visitation for Etheridge, documents filed in L.A. County Superior Court show. Michaels gave birth to son Miller and daughter Johnnie in 2006. She is also asking the court to grant her spousal support.

In her paperwork, Michaels filed for a dissolution of marriage rather than a dissolution of domestic partnership. At the time of their union, they did not qualify to legally marry. However, her attorney says the filing was a deliberate choice.

"Tammy filed a dissolution of marriage, because in her eyes this was a marriage. Both she and Melissa gave it the dignity of a marriage – they had a marital ceremony back in 2001," attorney Steve Knowles tells an US Magazine. "If the court system says there was no such thing as a marriage and tells us we have to amend it to a domestic partnership, so be it. It's a symbolic act on Tammy's part, and frankly she thought it would be better for the children if they were recognized as children of a married couple. ... It was not at all Tammy's decision to go down the route to dissolve their marriage."

Both Etheridge and Michaels cited irreconcilable differences as the reason for their split.

Lindsay Lohan Remains Behind Bars

Lindsay Lohan Remains Behind BarsIf actress Lindsay Lohan wants out of jail early she may get her wish but she will be remaining in custody for another few days anyway. The sheriff has stated that the 24 year old trouble maker will remain in jail until at least August 1, but that she will be released next week some time.

Lindsay was originally sentenced to 90 days in the slammer but due to good behavior and overcrowding she will be getting out way ahead of schedule.

“Nothing has changed. The calculation is done,” spokesman Steve Whitmore told the Daily News. “Her release is scheduled for the first part of next week - Sunday, Monday or Tuesday.”

Besides a temper tantrum over the weekend, Lohan has been a model prisoner so far, and is kept away from the general prison population.

She is allowed to eat her food in her sell and is allowed an hour a day for showering and making phone calls.

VIDEO: Jennifer Aniston Cougar Town Role - Second Lesbian Kiss with Courtney Cox?

VIDEO: Jennifer Aniston Cougar Town Role - Second Lesbian Kiss with Courtney Cox?Jennifer Aniston: Cougar Town may soon be reuniting two good "Friends" again -- both on TV and in real life. According to a new report from Entertainment Weekly, Aniston is close to participating in Courteney Cox's "Cougar Town" scheduled for airing early in the show's second season. "I would love for it to happen but there’s nothing to talk about yet."

Jen would follow in the footsteps of fellow Friends star Lisa Kudrow, who played a volatile dermatologist in the middle of last season.

After co-starring on Friends together for a decade, Aniston and Cox last shared the screen (and a lip-lock) on Court's FX drama Dirt in 2007.

Roseanne Star Sara Gilbert puts it out there: She's a lesbian

Roseanne Star Sara Gilbert puts it out there: She's a lesbianSara Gilbert, who made a name for herself in Hollywood as daughter Darlene Conner on a decade's worth of "Roseanne," came out publicly about her partner and her sexuality Thursday at a panel discussion for her upcoming CBS show "The Talk."

At the Television Critics Assn. summer press tour in Beverly Hills, Gilbert spoke openly about raising a boy and a girl with her partner, TV producer Allison Adler (the kids were born in 2004 and 2007). She'll be discussing motherhood, parenting and more soon on "The Talk" with co-hosts Julie Chen, Sharon Osbourne, Holly Robinson Peete, Leah Remini and Marissa Jaret Winokur.

Press materials for the show hadn't mentioned Adler in Gilbert's bio -- a decision the actress said was hers, not the network's, according to Entertainment Weekly.

"I've been acting my whole life, and I've never really discussed my personal life. This is a talk show," Gilbert said. "So obviously, I'm going to be discussing my life more, and I felt that the first place I wanted to do it wasn’t in a CBS press release.

"It just seemed impersonal, and I felt like I’d rather come in person and talk to you about all that stuff here.”

Oprah Winfrey gives Rosie O'Donnell her own show

Oprah Winfrey gives Rosie O'Donnell her own show (despite lesbian feud) Oprah has obviously forgiven Rosie O'Donnell for those lesbian remarks last year: Rosie will return to daytime TV in 2011 with a show on the Oprah Winfrey Network. "Rosie is an undeniable talent who has captivated TV audiences for nearly 20 years," Oprah said in a statement.

"She's a true original, who brings her authentic voice, dynamic energy and pure passion to everything she does."

In late 2009 Rosie's authentic voice appeared on Howard Stern's radio show, where she said: "I don't know that she and Gayle [King, Oprah's bestie and supposed lover] are necessarily doing each other but I think they are the emotional equivalent of [a gay couple]... when they did that road trip [on Oprah's talk show], that's as gay as it gets." A furious Oprah reportedly "warned" Rosie to quit the lesbian talk.

But the alleged feud must've been brushed under the rug: Rosie, who is openly gay, said it will be "an honour and a privilege to work with Oprah Winfrey on her network".

Portia to Ellen: I Want to Be a DeGeneres!

Portia to Ellen: I Want to Be a DeGeneres!Portia de Rossi will become Portia DeGeneres. Portia has filed a petition to legally change her name to Portia Lee James DeGeneres. She filed the papers in L.A. County Superior Court last Friday.

As for why ... the petition says, "Petitioner is taking the last name of her spouse."

Portia and Ellen DeGeneres were married in August, 2008.

Name change petitions are routinely granted in the US.
