my music

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

البوية والمجتمع والمواقف الي تصير بالطلعة

copy from the site منقووووووووول

البوية والمجتمع والمواقف الي تصير بالطلعة
قوة اليوم بتكلم عن موقف مستحيل يمر اسبوع بدو لا يصير حق واحد من الناس اليي مثلناالبويا.او بالنسبة للترفييين الناعميين من الشباب وهالموقف اهو نظرة الناس اليي موعاجبهم لنا واليي بالبداية اقولهم طزززز فيكم اذا مابتفهمون راح اتكلم عن هالموقف بالنسبة لنا احنا البويات بما انه يامرت علييي مواقف وبقولكم بعد شلون تقدرون تتعاملون مع هالموالقف بعدشوفوا بالنسبة خل البويية المتحجبة...يعني البوية ماشيية بحالها واهيا جذي من اللله حاسها انها ريال ومع هذا لابسه حجاب ومتحملة مع انها ريال اوكيي وفوووق هذا كلللله الناس موعابجها بعض هالناس تلاقييه يطالع ولايقط حجيي...بختصار اليي يقط حجي فكر اول على حسب القطة اليي قطها وعلى حسب المكان والموقف وعلى حسب مزاجك رد علييه..اذا حسيت كلامه يسوى انك ترد عليييه رد...اذا كان مزاجك زفت عاااااااادي لول رد عليييه ...وجنه العييد وطلع حرتك فيييه...اذا كان المكان يسمح احسن واحسن بعد مع انه انا شخصيا مااااايهمني المكان اذا طق براسيييي ارد اررررد وارد على اهل اليي يابووووه بعدبالنسبة حق البوية المو متحجبة ....ممم لازم يتنحون اول شيي ويكلمون روحهم ويفكرون جنهم ميانييين ويقولون هذيي بنت ولا ولد ...انا اقول لليي يتسائل مال البوية اليي انت شايفها تقعد معاك بغرفه وتطبق عليييك الرجولة عدل عشان تعرف اهيا بنت ولا ريال...ياخيي خلووه بحاله اهو بنت ولا ريال احد قرب صوبك ولا قالك ياخيي تكفا ابيي اكلم هلك لوووووووول ...ولاعسا ماشرر ليش خاب روحك وتتكلم واللله البعض منهم وهم ياذون البوية ويقط حجيي ومعصب جنك قايلة تكفا اهلك ابيييييهم لووووووووووول والللللللللله...وعلى فكرا ترا هم يا حبابيب قلبيي البويات ياليي تحسون انكن رييياييل بقولكم شغلة... ترا اخذوهم على قد عقلهم حرام مومنهم..يعني تخيلو الواحد من هالشباب اليي يذون صج تلاقيييه خروف وتااافه بس اهو شايف انه بالجسم ريال ومع هذا يشوف الينات مايروحون له يروحون للبويات وماتبونه ينقهررررر لوووووووووول الا لينقهر وينبببببببط واشكره وبكل صراحه اقولها لكم البعض تفكيره جذي"يقول حق نفسه انا ريال وجسميي ريال وعضو جنسيي وعندي عضو ذكريي والبنت الليدي تفضل ببووويه علييي"!!!لووووووول ايي اكييد تفضل بوييه عليييك اذا كانت كفو...لانه مو اي ريال ريال ولا اي بوووويه بوووويه...اذا الوحدا تستاهل ليش لا واللله اذا البنت مرتاح مع اي واحد حتا لو كان بويه اكييد مابيترس عينها احد الا هالبويه عرفت ياماما ياخروف(الكلام للناس التافهه اليي تاذيي خلق الللله والكلام للناس الي ياذون البويات ) بالنسبة لل البوية الي معاها اهلها شوفي ياخوي البويه الغاليي ..انت مدام طالع مع اهلك عاديي تحمل احتمال كبير يشوفك كلام واذييية وتمر على قطيييع من الخرفان لول عاديي حبيبي...لاتتاضايق لانك حتا لو واحدج عاديي هم احتمال كبير تتاذى من الناس الهييلق اليي ياذون...عرفت يالغاليي...فانت حاول تسكب الا اذا الموقف احتااااج عااااااااادي امسك لك ايي شيي واغسل اليي جدامك امسك اي شغلة واكسرها على راس الي يتحرش باهلك ولو هم 10 ولا 20 ولا حتا 30 عاديي اكفخ لك واحد منهم وبعدييين عاااااااااااااادي انشالله يمسكونك بعدها وتنطق عادييي حتا لو يذبحونك على الاقل تموت ريالولا اذا معاج سجيين ولا شيي عاديي عوره مدام انك قاعد تدافع عن شرفك ...انا مانيي عبيط الي كاتب هالحجيي ..ادريي ممكن تصير ليي سالفة ويقولن قاعد تحرض على شي غلط....اليي بقول ليي اني قاعد احرض على شيي غلط فهو موريال مدام انه يشوف انه الدفاع عن الشرف اذا كان الموقف يستاهل شيي غلط بسسسسسسسسس هذا كله بشرط اذا الموقف يستاهل اوكييوبعديين اذا كنت بمجمع ولا شيي جنه العييد اذا صارت سالفة احسن عشان رجال الامن يتلونهم مثل الخرفان ويحذفونهم برا المجمع لووولوبعديين حتا لو كانوا اليي قاعد ياذونك انت واهلك ناس هييلق وخرفان واييييد وبعديين تجمعوا عليييك وصار ضرب هذا راح يكون دليل على انهم موقدك لدرجة انهم تجمعوا علييييك وانهم موريياييل ولو واحد فيييهم ريال مارضا انه يجمع ربعه عليييكبالنسبة لوبة الي مع حبيبتهااذا كنت اخوي البوية مثلا ويا حبيبتك وااذووووك لاتخليي باي سهولة يعكرون عليكم طلعتكم وحاول تسكب ..واذا زادوا عااديي اق بحبيبتك زيادة وخلها تلصق فييك خل يموتون قهرررر اكثررررر...وتذكر انه حرام مومنهم من القهر لووووووول :) :) :)اسال مجرب :)وفي ناسة من الي موعاجبهم اكييد قاعد يقول واللله لو اشوف بوية ولا اسويي جذيي واسوي واسويي ...اقول حق الناس اليي جذيي مهما قلت بتسويي بعرف شلون اكسر راسك واكسر فيييك لانه الواحد منه ريال وانتوا ماتهزوووونه ...عرفت ياشاطر روح العب بعيييد :") :) :) وعلى راسييييييي كل الناس الي مايديينا وحاسين بمعاناتنا واليي مالهم شغل فينا لو شافونا ويعذرونا لانهم عارفييين انه واااااااااااااايد ناس جذي من اللله ويكفيييهم اليي فيهموعلى راسي كل البويات اخوانيي الغالبييين من الناس الي يردون على اذا تنرفزا من الناس اليي ياذون...وعلى راسيي حتا اليي يكبرون عقلهم وراسهم وماينزلون نفسهم انه يردون على هالخمة والهايييلق من الناس التافه وللكل تحياتيي

What is lesbian?

What is lesbian?

1. What is lesbians?

Lesbianism starts with feelings. A woman can feel love and affection for another woman, and also feel sexually attracted to her. She can fall in love with women and want to express these feelings in a sexual way. If she has these feelings mainly or only for women, she may call herself a lesbian (or gay woman or female homosexual).

2. Can any woman be a lesbian?

Not every woman is a lesbian, but many women do have lesbian feelings. Most women are involved with men or married. Some of these women are lesbians. If a woman chooses to be a lesbian, she is one. Many women do not have a free choice about the way they want to live and love, but they may be lesbians also. Any woman can be a lesbian: your neighbour, your doctor, your sister, your teacher, your daughter.

3. How many lesbians are there?

According to surveys done at different times and in different countries, one to two out of every 20 women are lesbians. Some research has found that 50 percent of the women interviewed had lesbian experiences and feelings. There would be many more lesbians if women had a free choice. But currently it is considered 'normal' in most societies to be heterosexual (women loving men) and 'abnormal' to be homosexual (women loving women).

4. Where in the world does lesbianism occur?

Everywhere, in every country, culture and society. But in some societies women are free to choose, while in others women have little choice about how they will live. It may seem that in western countries, where it is often easier to be a lesbian, that there are more lesbians, but this is probably not correct. Society may influence how visible lesbians may be, and society may suppress lesbians, but the feeling cannot be killed. As international lesbian networks grow, we learn about more hidden groups and individuals in more and more countries

5. What causes lesbianism? Can it be cured?

Some lesbians believe they are born lesbian, others feel that they have chosen to be lesbian. There may be many causes, just as there are many causes that make someone heterosexual. But why try to find the cause or causes? For a long time homosexuality was considered a disease. 'Cures' such as injecting lesbians with female hormones or placing lesbians in rehabilitation camps were tried. Homosexuality is not an illness and 'cures' such as those above amount to physical and mental torture

6.How do lesbians live and love together?

Lesbian relationships take many forms. There are single lesbians, celibate lesbians, monogamous lesbian couples, lesbians who live together but are not monogamous, lesbians who also have relationships with men. The important thing is that everyone has a free choice about creating her own way of life. Many lesbians do not want to imitate heterosexual ways of living, where one partner is feminine, the other is masculine, dividing the roles according to the sex. The same is true for sexual loving: you find out, by yourself and/or with other women, what you like and what you don't like. There are no rules except the ones you make for yourself.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

FAITH HILL - Beautiful

Beautiful FAITH HILL"
I love the way you stand in my wayYou won't move 'til you get a kissand how you tell me that my name tastes so sweet on your lips I love the way you hold me with your eyes Hold me so tight that i can't moveIt's like everything i've ever known is a lieand you're the simple truthIs it a dream or is it real? All i know is you make me feel so beautiful beautiful You make me feel so beautiful beautiful You make me feel sobeautifulI love how soft you touch my skin like you're touching the wings of a butterfly I wish we could just lock ourselves away in a room where there was no such thing as time I've never let anyone get this close I've always been afraid but you break down every wall and yet i feel so safe Every part of who i am is so in love cause what i have is beautifulbeautiful You make me feel so beautiful beautiful You make me feel so beautifulbeautiful You make me feel so beautiful beautiful You make me feel so beautiful you make me feel so beautiful beautiful

لماذا نكرر أخطائنا !!

لماذا نكرر أخطائنا !!

الحياة هي عالمنا الواقعي الذي يحتوي على مجموعة من التجارب والمواقف المليئة بالفرح والحزن والحب والغدر والخيانة .. الخ
بالواقع هو خليط من هذه المواقف .. جميعنا مررنا بها .. أحيانا نقع بها أو ربما نوقع شخص بها .... عمدا أو عن غير قصد ..
نحن بشر معرضين للوقوع بالفشل .. ولسنا معصومين من الخطأ ... فهذه طبيعتنا .. ليست هذه هي المشكلة ..!!
فالوقوع بالخطأ يجعلنا أكثر حذرا .... فنعتبره درسا تعلمنا منه .. ودائما يقولون الحياة تجارب ... بغض النظر هل كان مؤلما أو مأساويا وترتبت عليه عواقب !! لأنه بالواقع قد حدث ولا نملك آلة الزمن لنعود بها حيث كان بإمكاننا تفادي هذه المشكلة أو هذا الخطأ !!

فالأهم هو إصلاح هذا الخطأ وترميمه والبدء من جديد ... كلما كان إيمان الشخص بالله قوي كلما كان أقوى بمواجهته للمصاعب والحياة ..

لكن ... وبعد هذا .. هل نتعلم من أخطائنا ..!!

إذا كانت الإجابة بنعم .. فهنيئا لكم ...

أما إذا كانت الإجابة بلا ..... فهنا تكمن المشكلة الكبرى ....

وهي الوقوع بالخطأ .... ثم الوقوع بالخطأ ...... وتكرار هذا الخطأ ... لماذا !!

لماذا نكرر أخطائنا .. ونقع بنفس المشكلة في كل مرة ..!!

هل ضعف في الشخصية ...؟

أم نعتقد بأننا أذكى من أن نقع بها مرة أخرى ... ؟

أم لأننا نعرف أن الوقوع بها لا يشكل فرق .. فقد أصبحنا غير قابلين للكسر وضد الصدمات !!

ربما أخطاء نقع بها نتيجة اتباعنا لأهوائنا بغض النظر عن العواقب !!

أم بسبب نيتنا الصافية .. دائما نفهم الأمور بأنها لمصلحتنا وغير مؤذية وأن جميع الناس مسالمين !!

ربما لأننا نستسهل الأمور حيث بأننا قمنا بها من قبل ... ولم تكن ذات الصعوبة والمشكلة .. حيث نعلم بأنه خطأ بذاتنا ولكن لا يمنع من تجربتها وتكرارها ..!!

ربما الإجابة أحد هذه الأسباب التالية وربما هي أسباب لم أعرفها ...

عندما نكرر الأخطاء ...... ونظل نكررها .. نحن في الواقع .. نتألم ... ونتألم كثيرا ..

غالبا ... ما نخفي هذا الألم ... وتكون ردة أفعالنا .. بأننا خضنا هذه التجربة ونحن نعلم بفشلها .. ونتظاهر وكأن شيئا لم يكن ..

ولكن هو شي مؤلم ... نظل نلوم أنفسنا بالغباء .. لماذا نصر على فعل شي ودائما نفشل به أو فعل نكرره وهو خطأ ...!!

ربما لأن غيرنا قام به على أكمل وجه أو ربما كان الحظ بجانبه... ولم تواجهه المعضلات .. وبالتالي كون أي شخص قام به .... ممكن أن أكون أنا التالي ...!!

سأقول لكم معلومة أو فكرة .... أخبرتني بها صديقتي العزيزة ... وأعجبتني كثيرا .. وجعلتني فعلا أفكر وهي ..

" عندما نقع بالخطأ نفسه أكثر من مرة .... وبنفس الطريقة .... يجب أن نعيد النظر في شخصيتنا وتصرفاتنا ... فالوقوع به أكثر من مرة ... يعني الخلل من ذاتنا نحن فاللوم يقع على الشخص نفسه "

ربما يقول البعض حسنا .... فأنا طيب جدا ودائما يستغلني الناس ... وأقع بالخطأ .. فهل طيبتي هي مشكلة !! وهل علي أن أكون قاسي وأغير طبعي ....

طبعا لا .... لكن تذكر الطيبة لها حدود ... وأن هناك ناس من حولك استغلاليين .... فلابد أن تتحكم بطيبتك ... هنا تبدأ مهمتك ..

فالنفس أمارة بالسوء ... أي شخص تتوافر له الظروف والفرص .. سيستغلها حتى لو كانت تضر بغيره ..!!

وهذه الصفة تنطبق على صفات كثيرة .. تكون صفة رائعة ولكن ممكن تسبب المشاكل للشخص نفسه ... إذا لم يعرف كيف يتحكم بها !!

نحن دائما نعتقد ... بأننا عندما لا نضر شخص ونتمنى له السعادة ... فهو بنفس الوقت يتمنى لنا الشي نفسه .. ولكن عندما تتضارب المصالح والرغبات ..

فهذا الشخص يريد مصلحته الشخصية فقط وما يسعى إليه !!

للأسف نعم للأسف ..... ولكن هذا الواقع ... يوجد الخير ويوجد الشر ... فعلينا التعايش معه .. شئنا أم أبينا ...

عزيزي .... فلا تكن صارم ولا ترخي ... فالخطأ خطأ والصحيح صحيح ...وعندما نخطئ فلسنا بمنبوذين .. ولكن تعلمنا ...

ألا يحدث أحيانا .. نخطئ بسؤال بالامتحان وبعد فترة يعاد الامتحان ويكرر هذا السؤال ونخطئ به مرة أخرى ... !!

نحن هنا بتحد مع الذات ..... "إما أنا ........أو السقوط إلى الهاوية"

لن أجعل من نفسي أضحوكة ..... ولن أستسلم ... ولن يخدعني أحد مرة أخرى .... ولن أتساهل كوني متفهمة.... ولن أتذاكى أيضا ....

سأحب ذاتي ... ومصلحتي .... وسأحترم عقلي وقلبي ...

إلى الأمــــــــــــــــــام..... سر

Shane the tomboy androgyne in the l wordShane McCutcheon

Shane McCutcheon
(Katherine Moennig)


Shane not only does the ladies hair but she does the ladies. As many as she pleases and she makes no apologies about it. That is until she met the married woman Sherry who broke her heart and put Shane on a war path vowing to never fall in love again. Watch out ladies......Shaney is BACK! Then she met the hottie named Carmen whom she seems to really like screwing but that's all she was willing to give. That is until Carmen started to date Jenny and continued to pop up in Shane's life making it hard for Shane to deny her feelings. Eventually Shane admitted her love for Carmen. What will happen in S3?

Fun Facts About Shane:
Shane has slept with an enormous amount of women
Shane does drugs periodically (well we only saw it periodically)
We know nothing about Shane's family except her mother didn't raise her brother & her together
Shane fell in love with a married woman named Sherry
Sherry's husband was financing a hair salon for Shane
He put a stop to it after he found out about Sherry
Shane got popular doing hair & got to work for a high powered woman
Shane had to keep Sherry's daughter from falling for her
Shane met a DJ named Carmen and fell in love
She tried to resist being in love with Carmen
She finally gave in and admitted her love to Carmen
Shane had a girl stalk her because she was hurt that Shane did a wham bam thank you maam on her *hehehe*
She wore a dress and heals for Carmen's family

Yes this may shock some of you small minded people...

Yes this may shock some of you small minded people...
If you have me very well, you know that I am a very proud lesbian, and amuslim I love god with all my heart and I will always remain that way, if not more. God loves me for who I am, I was made this way by his holy hands and I will dye one day when he sees fit for me to enter his kingdom. God loves his creations no matter what, man or woman, we are all his children. I am a child of god. Yes I have struggled with the question of whether god loves me as a lesbian. But he has created me. God teaches us to love one another, who on this earth is to say any different. We know not what the lord wanted us exactly to live as, or be, but we are all made in his image. I never chose to love other women. I simply do. And I do not believe that I am going to hell or will be spending eternity in purgatory for this. I do not believe that it is a crime, or that it is a sin against the lord. I am just diffreant but that doesnt make abad humen
A close friend once recited to me... you say that I sin, you say that I am damned for hell ... so, once your judgment condemns you, I shall see you there." we have no right to "play god". And it is a sin to hate... so why hate someone for loving another person? I am in love and that will not change. And yes I am in love with a woman, yes I am a woman. Yes I am a muslim, and yes i pray, I , I work for the lord. Yes I am a lesbian, and yes, I truly believe that god loves me

Those who love katherine moennig (shane) from the l word

4 Those who love katherine moennig (shane) from the l word

i like her so much shes cool my fav

Name : Katherine Sian Moennig . Birth Date : 29th of December 1976. Zodiac : Capricorn . Place of Birth : Philadelphia. Resides : New York, Vancouver. Education : American Acad. of Dramatic Arts. Hair : Brown. Eyes : Green. Height : 5'8. Fav. food : Sushi
Katherine Moennig preferred climbing trees and skateboarding to playing with tea sets as a tomboy growing up in Philadelphia, PA. The daughter of a Broadway dancer mother and a violin maker father, Moennig was primed to perform at an early age. She first stepped on stage at 10 years old in a Children's Theatre Workshop production of "Winnie the Pooh" and opted to expand the experience by writing and directing an improvised version of "Pooh" with a friend. The duo performed their original production at Philadelphia's Free Library. She continued doing school productions before moving to New York and entering the American Academy of Dramatic Arts. Within two months of graduation, she landed an apprenticeship at the prestigious Williamstown Theatre Festival and acquired a wealth of experience working behind the scenes. During a second stint at Williamstown, she appeared in a production of Shakespeare's "As You Like It." She made her television debut as the elusive Jake Pratt in "Young Americans," a girl masquerading as a boy at the all-male Rawley Academy.
Katherine won a central role in a music video for the Canadian band "Our Lady Peace" just prior to landing her first television series with "Young Americans." She also auditioned for "Boys Don't Cry" (1999).In her leisure time, the young actress enjoys sleeping late, spending time with friends and walking around New York City.

4 Those who love katherine moennig (shane) from the l word

i like her so much shes cool my fav

Name : Katherine Sian Moennig . Birth Date : 29th of December 1976. Zodiac : Capricorn . Place of Birth : Philadelphia. Resides : New York, Vancouver. Education : American Acad. of Dramatic Arts. Hair : Brown. Eyes : Green. Height : 5'8. Fav. food : Sushi
Katherine Moennig preferred climbing trees and skateboarding to playing with tea sets as a tomboy growing up in Philadelphia, PA. The daughter of a Broadway dancer mother and a violin maker father, Moennig was primed to perform at an early age. She first stepped on stage at 10 years old in a Children's Theatre Workshop production of "Winnie the Pooh" and opted to expand the experience by writing and directing an improvised version of "Pooh" with a friend. The duo performed their original production at Philadelphia's Free Library. She continued doing school productions before moving to New York and entering the American Academy of Dramatic Arts. Within two months of graduation, she landed an apprenticeship at the prestigious Williamstown Theatre Festival and acquired a wealth of experience working behind the scenes. During a second stint at Williamstown, she appeared in a production of Shakespeare's "As You Like It." She made her television debut as the elusive Jake Pratt in "Young Americans," a girl masquerading as a boy at the all-male Rawley Academy.
Katherine won a central role in a music video for the Canadian band "Our Lady Peace" just prior to landing her first television series with "Young Americans." She also auditioned for "Boys Don't Cry" (1999).In her leisure time, the young actress enjoys sleeping late, spending time with friends and walking around New York City.


Happy Places

Happy Places...

My arms around you,
your breath upon my cheek.
Kisses, wet and warm,
your heartbeat...
in step with my own.
your sweat upon my lips.
Sighs, sweet whispers and moans...
raining down on me.
Scent of your hair,
lingering across my bosom.
My heart wrapping...
around the love that shines,
just inside your eyes.
Feeling that tremble...
just below your belly,
all happy places for me.

Holding your hand...
your hands in my hair.
just barely touching,
you and I...
skin to skin.
Watching your quick wit
and laughter rolling...
an avalanche.
Sparkling droplets,
streaming down your curves...
in the shower.
A picnic in the grass...
seeing your smile glowing,
by a golden campfire.
just being by your side.
Drinking morning coffee...
you see,
it's the simplest of things,
that are happy places for me.

Scent of fresh cut grass,
lavender in the sun,
bread baking, popcorn popping,
your perfume and nag champa burning.
after a cool summer rain.
An ocean breeze, newborn babies,
and honeysuckle in dew.
These smells all happy places for me.

Listening to thunderstorms,
music, leaves rustling in the wind.
Your voice singing low,
(when you think I cannot hear),
laughter, children playing,
stories of the elders...
being spoken in majesty,
wolves howling.
Sound of your voice...
whispering I love yous.
Sounds I can bring to mind...
all happy places for me.

Tasting you,
peppermint melting on my tongue.
A nice glass of wine...
during a candlelight dinner.
Cool grapes...
from your lips to mine.
Ice cream, oranges, right from the tree.
Chocolate covered cherries and pop rocks.
Senses going wild...
because all of these are happy places to me.

Feeling the wind on my face,
cool water surrounding my body,
sun traveling my naked body.
Embracing your soul.
That after ache...
of making love for hours.
Nails, carving my back.
Hugs and positive energy.
Relaxed and kicked back.
Spiritual lifting of the soul.
You reaching out for me...
even as you sleep.
All of these happy places for me.

Seeing people reach out to one another,
sunrises and sunsets,
Christmas lights, lava lamps
and hummingbirds.
Watching ocean waves...
crashing against ancient cliffs,
rolling hills, starry skies,
and shadows on the walls.
Moments that ride by...
on my breath,
a treasure box of memories...
and all of these...
happy places for me.



Always celebrate! Whether it's the 1st or the 50th, each year together is a triumph.

Let each other know how much you appreciate each other. You may already know but hearing it from each other is always better.

Be best friends preferably before being boyfriend-girlfriend. Take time to know each other so the relationship will be a deep one. Tell each other about your crushes, dreams and problems. Make sure he/she is your best friend before getting engaged. The strong bond of friendship will help you both survive tough times.

Make it a point to spend time together often but leave room for each other. Also spend time alone w/ each other, so that at the end of the day you could both share your experiences. This way, you stay interesting with your partner.

Don't marry an as...le, j.... or a bi.... (an unsuitable person) You'll never change each other.

Always compliment each other. This will prevent feelings of resentment & thinking that one is being taken for granted.

Keep doings things that you both enjoy, do them together. Make time & continue to date to keep the romance - look good, smell good to maintain physical attraction

Celebrate differences. Never force your ideologies down each other's throat. Give up trying to turn your partner into you. Accept differences, appreciate them.

Fight w/the aim to resolve the issue. Don't outdo each other. The longer you extend the fight. The more chances that you'll say something hurtful that you don't really mean. As mad as you were w/ your partner, he/she is still the person who laughs at your jokes & thinks you're hot. Hear each other out, don't dig up old issues. Choose your battles. Make sure the fight will be worth it & that something will change in the relationship as a result of the fight.

Know that the perfect person does not exist. Know that just as there are things that you love about him/her, there will be things that will make you go crazy. We are only human with our own flaws.

Have fun together! This means keeping the fun & spontaneity that was there in the early days.
Allow yourselves to get silly - shower together, pee w/the door open etc. Being able to make each other laugh & see the lighter, crazier, absurd side is the best way to get through all the differences in personalities, adjustments in lifestyle & opposing viewpoints.

Make sure you have similar goals. It would be difficult to keep your bond intact if your views are complete opposite.

Quit tabulating grudges. Let it off. Discuss it, then trash it, don't recycle it.

Keep it hot by traveling to diff. places together. A new setting will do wonders. Always have skin contact - be it holding hands, a massage or just plain leg rubbing.

Don't lie or hide things. The problem will only get bigger.

Learn each other's interest. It really keeps the conversation flowing!

A hug can be far better more intimate than a kiss.

Don't lose your personality - that's why he/she fell in love w/you. Have separate interest & activities to keep your individual, & to be able to contribute more to the relationship.

Having your own income means you're the boss in your life.

Make rooms for the in-laws.

Wish each other well. Don't wish each other worst

Speak up about the awkward stuff now,like money & sex. The earlier, the better.

Listen, listen, listen. Hear each other out especially during arguments.

Mind your appearance! Stay fit & healthy for each other.

It all boils down to your love, chemistry & respect for each other.

Remind each other of the old days. Do something that you used to do for each other before. It may even be corny but it made you two together. Experience new things together- from dining into a new restaurant to experiencing street food together to exploring to new places. It's the little surprises that make great memories.

No matter how long you've been together, do not think that you can read each other's mind.

Be good to yourself, then be good to your partner. That's what love is all about. Think about your partner. Will it make him/her happy? Will she/he enjoy it? Consider each other's feelings. Be very attentive & sensitive to each other's needs, physically & emotionally, that way your partner learns to do the same for you. Never take your partner for granted.

If one says it's important, then it is! Prioritize each other among other things!

Give each other space. Have dates with your girlfriends, have your boy's night out. If you can't trust each other with this, then don't get married.

Say sorry when you're wrong.

No matter how long you've known each other, be open to surprises, both good or bad.

Think for two & always work as a team. Consult each other before making a decision because everything will always affect both of you. Strengthen couple power. In many ways, we have to decide based on what is best for the relationship in favor of our individual selves.

Support each other's dream. Be willing to follow your passions, support your partner in his/her decisions & create new ones together. Two heads are better than one.

Tell each other's stories. Life goes by so fast & its easy to see how easily couple can grow apart. Whenever something funny, scary, exciting or juicy happened to you or to someone you know, tell each other about it & have your partner do the same. Keep each other in the loop of life, even by email if you have to.


Lesbians are one of a kind, i mean we are special. we have our own world, just living in the perfect place and in the perfect world. though we still not dat free, i mean in arabic countries. but we can make love, get married, go lesbian parties and alot'a more.
let's just keep living our rainbow life ..
Behind The Mask I Wear Is a New Persone Not Like before
a Happy Lesbian And Much more
a Lesbian That Every Buddy Adore
a lesbian That No One Can Ignore Her
Lesbian Is Not a Dirty Word
Face up to the fact that you are who you are, and nothing can change that belief

إجُعِل قِلُبِك كُالِقًبر لايُدخِلًه سُوى انًسِان وآحُد ولاتًجِعُلِه كُالُبِئر يُشِربُ مًنِه كُل انِسُأن

lesbian: 1. A homosexual woman .(love or desire) for people of the same sex A person who is sexually or romantically attracted only to people of the same gender 2. Pertaining to lesbians or lesbianism. awomen loving women fem 2 fem what is a lesbian??? Lesbians are women-loving-women. We are women who are sexually attracted to other women. We are women who may feel emotionally and spiritually closer to women. We are women who prefer women as our partners. As lesbians, we are not alone. One out of ten teenagers is lesbian or gay. Many famous women in history were lesbians. Lesbians are teachers, doctors, lawyers, factory workers, police officers, politicians, ministers, movie stars, artists, mothers, nuns, truck drivers, models, novelists. You name it, we do it. Lesbians are White, Black, Asian, Hispanic, Native American, Jewish, Catholic, Protestant, Buddhist. Lesbians are rich, poor, working class, and middle class. Some lesbians are in heterosexual marriages. Some lesbians are disabled. Lesbians are young women and old women. You name it, we are it. Lesbians live in cities and in the country. We are everywhere!! During adolescence, most young women begin to be aware of sexual feelings and take an interest in dating. Many young women feel physically attracted to men. But many other young women feel physically attracted to other women. You may notice that you feel turned on by other women. You may feel different from your girlfriends, like you don't fit in sometimes. When your girlfriends are checking out boys, you may find yourself checking out girls. Going out with boys may not interest you. You may find yourself wondering, "Why aren't there any men like these terrific women I keep meeting?" You may also feel confused or unsure about whether or not you're a lesbian. Many adults will tell us that we're too young to call ourselves gay, or that we're going through a phase, or that we don't know what we're talking about. That's their way of avoiding the fact that some of us are lesbian youth. You may feel confused because you're attracted to both men and women. That's OK. Some women have relationships with both men and women throughout their lives. Some may later decide to be exclusively lesbian or heterosexual. Our sexuality develops over time. Don't worry if you aren't sure! Yes, you are normal. It's perfectly natural for people to be attracted to members of their own sex. But it's not something that's encouraged in our society. Many people push away these feelings because of prejudice against gay men and lesbians. Most scientific experts agree that a person's sexual orientation is determined at a very young age, maybe even at birth. It's normal and healthy to be yourself, whether you're gay or straight. What's really important is that we learn to like ourselves. Coming out is the process of accepting yourself as a lesbian and figuring out how open you want to be about your sexual orientation. Unfortunately, not everyone you know will think that being a lesbian is the greatest thing since sliced bread. It's hard to know who can handle the information and give you support. Some friends may accept you. Some may turn away from you or tell other people without your permission. Telling family can be very difficult. Some families are very supportive. But some lesbian and gay youth have been kicked out of their homes when their parents found out. Maybe there's a guidance counselor or social worker in your school, or in a local youth or counseling agency, that you can trust. It's important to have someone to talk to because it's not normal or healthy for young people to have to keep secret such an important part of their lives. Deciding whether or not to be sexual with someone is a big decision. You may feel very scared at the thought of having sex with another women. That's OK. Lots of us do, especially if it's our first time. Women aren't encouraged in our society to talk openly about sex, but it's important that we communicate about what we like and don't like to do sexually, whether we feel ready to have sex or not, and different expectations we may have about the relationship. There are many ways that lesbians can be sexual with each other. We can give each other pleasure by holding, kissing, hugging, stroking, stimulating each other's genitals with our tongues and hands, inserting our fingers into each other's vaginas, rubbing our bodies together to stimulate each other, and anything else we want to do. We can use our imaginations! Lesbos: An island of eastern Greece in the Aegean Sea near the northwest coast of Turkey. An important Aeolian settlement, Lesbos was noted for its lyric poets, including Sappho �THE FAMOUS LESBIAN POET�, in the seventh century b.c. After occupation by various powers, the island was annexed by Greece in 1913. Lesbian: is a homosexual woman. Lesbians have or prefer to have romantic and sexual relationships with other women. NOUN:1. A native or inhabitant of Lesbos.2. The ancient Greek dialect of Lesbos. ETYMOLOGY: The word "lesbian" originally referred to an inhabitant of the island of Lesbos, in ancient Greece. The term has come to have its current meaning due to the ancient Greek lyric poet Sappho, who lived on the island; her poems concerned love between women. Whether Sappho was herself a lesbian, in the modern meaning of the term, or simply a poet who described lesbians, is open to question; whilst she did indeed write poems about love between women, there is some dispute as to just how far to interpret her writings in this fashion. This association with Sappho led to the term sapphism being used as another term for lesbianism.

الكلمة السحرية التي يبحث عنها الجميع

الكلمة السحرية التي يبحث عنها الجميع!!
السعادةهذه الكلمة السحرية التي يبحث عنها كل منا ..الغنى والفقير الكبير والصغير المرأة والرجل...البعض قد وجدها والبعض الآخر لا يزال يبحث عنها, فلكل منا مفهومه الخاص لبلوغ هذه الغايةقد يراها البعض بمتع الحياة الدنيا كالمال والمنصب ؛ وغيرها مما يسعى إليه الكثيرين لكن لو توقفت لحظات ونظرت وتأملت قليلا …ربما تتغير حياتكوتكتشف ذاتك من جديد وتحدد ماتريد عندها ربما ولا اقول بالتأكيد ستجد سعادتك ….تخيل نفسك تقود سيارتك على طريق طويل لا يوجد عليه الا أنتفإذا كنت تكثر من النظر بالمرآه لترى من خلفك فأنت تعيش على الماضي وتشتاق إليه فلا بأس بذلكفمن منا لا يشتاق لذكريات كانت جميله وممتعه بحياته فليس هناك ما يمنع من تذكرها والعيش معها للحظات والتبسم عند تذكرها لكن إن كانت لحظات وذكريات أليمه الأفضل عدم تذكرها ومحاوله نسيانها حتى لا تعيش بالماضي وتؤثر على مسيره حياتكوعند ورودها بخاطرك الجأ بسرعة إلى تذكر شي مفرح بحياتك لأنه إذا استمريت بتذكرها سوف تؤثر سلبا على نفسيتك وتصاب بالاحباط والشعور بالكآبه . فهذه اعتبرها تجارب ودروس وعبرأما اذا كنت تنظر من نافذه سيارتك عبر زجاج سيارتك الامامى وتستعجل الطريق وتتمنى ان تطير بسرعهجنونيه وعدم رغبتك بالنظر خلفك فهذه طريقه خاطئه لانك تتطلع للمستقبل وتعيش بأحلامك الخياليهوتهرب من الماضى وتخسر الحاضر لانك تفكر بالمستقبل كثيرا وتخطط وتتعب عقلك فربما يحدث شى لم تحسب له حسابا وتندم عند ضياع احلامك لكن لا بأس من التخطيط للمستقبل ولكن بحدود المعقول لا أن نلغى الماضى والحاضر ونعيش على احلامنا الخياليه فلربما تغير شى لم نحسب له حسابا وماذا يحدث حينها يتغير كل شى وربما نصاب بالاحباط ومن ثم الحزن والكآبهواخيرا اذا كنت ممن يعيشون الحاضر فقط وعايش على نظريه اصرف ما فى الجيب يأتيك مافى الغيبولا تستفيد من ما حصل بالماضى ولا تخطط ولو قليلا للمستقبل فلربما لن تجد السعاده ابدا لأنها سعادهوقتيه وستمر عليك ايام تعانى فيها كثيرا فلولا المرض لما احسسنا بنعمه العافيه ...ولولا الحزن لما احسسنا بنعمه الفرح...ولولا الغياب لما احسسنا بالاشتياق...هل تريد ان تحس بالسعاده ارضى بما قسمه الله لك وأنظر لمن هو أدنى منك ولا تنظر لمن هو اعلى منكفعندها سوف تحس انك بنعمه وتحس بالسعاده فالقناعه هى سر السعاده أنا أريد وأنت تريد ويفعل الله ما يريد.فرغم ان الكثير منا يعيش فى بحبوحه من العيش بفضل من الله ورغم توفر الكثير من الاشياء لديهالتى تعتبر بالنسبه لغيره هى مقومات السعاده نراه يفتقد ها ,وسأبدا بسؤال وسوف اكون اول من يردعليه أين اجد سعادتى؟؟وسأتكلم عن نفسى فأنا اجد سعادتى عندما اخدم غيرى لوجه اللهوسؤالى لمن يتفضل مشكورا بقراءه الموضوع اين تجد سعادتك؟؟؟



Man: Haven't I seen you someplace before? Woman: Yes, that's why I don't go there anymore.

Man: Is this seat empty? Woman: Yes, and this one will be if you sit down.


Man: Your place or mine? Woman: Both. You go to yours, and I'll go to mine.

Man: So, what do you do for a living? Woman: I'm a female impersonator.

Man: Hey baby, what's your sign? Woman: Do not enter.

Man: How do you like your eggs in the morning? Woman: Unfertilized

Man: Your body is like a temple. Woman: Sorry, there are no services today.

Man: I would go to the end of the world for you. Woman: But would you stay there?

Man: If I could see you naked, I'd die happy. Woman: If I saw you naked, I'd probably die laughing...

(Angelina Jolie)

If being sane is thinking there's something wrong with being different, I'd rather be completely fucking mental!"
(Angelina Jolie)

A person can make you

  1. A person can make you feel high,A person can make you feel low.But only you can decide,Which way you want to go.A person can hurt you mentally,A person can hurt you physically.But only you can place,A limit on your abilities.A person can cause drama,A person can cause a situation.But only you can create,Your own reputation.A person can make you laugh,A person can make you cry.But only you can make,Decisions for your life.I guess what I'm trying to say,That when you're living day to day.Don't live by what people do,But live by what you know is true.

Why it's so hard

Why's it so hard to love one another
Why's it so hard to love
What do I have to do to be accepted
What do I have to say
What do I have to do to be respected
How do I have to play
What do I have to look like to feel I'm equal
Where do I have to go
What club do I have to join to prove I'm worthy
Who do I have to know
Why can't we learn to accept that we're different
Before it's too late
Why's it so damn hard
What do I have to learn to know what's right for me
What do I have to know
What am I going to do when I feel righteous
Where do I have to go
Who should get to say what I believe in
Who should have the right
What am I going to do with all this anger
Why do I have to fight


specially to the 1 who hurt me with her friendship what goes around comes around
didicated to all ppl who disapoint me
how can u sleep
u fucking hurt me with ur friendship i wish isee the day when u know what im and how u really fucking hurt me
what goes around comes around

أحيانا الشقاء في حياتنا يكون بسبب إنسان آخر …-------------------إنسان نحتار كيف نتعامل معه …إنسان يرهقنا ويؤذى مشاعرنا ويسلب طاقتنا ..قد يكون هذا الإنسان جارك؛ أو زميلكبالعمل أو أي إنسان بالشارع ..قد تكون صديقتك ..-----------------------أو أعز أصدقائكهو حقيقة أعز أصدقائك … أي صديق العمر ولكن في مواقف معينه يتبدى منه سلوك غريب تحار فيه أو يسبب لك ألما أو بعد عشره العمر تجد نفسك أمام إنسان آخر وكأنك تعرفه لأول مره .. لقد تبدل تماما وظهرت صفات تفاجئك لم تكن تعرفها عنه من قبل ….تراه الآن أنانيا انتهازيا عدوانيا ليس به لمحه خير…..فتقول لنفسك بحسره حينئذ :لقد أضعت عمري هباء مع هذا الإنسان المزيف !من أنت …. من هو؟؟بل حاول أن تسأل نفسك وتجيب من أنا .. ؟ من الإنسان ..؟؟لماذا نحب أنسانا ؟ ونكره أنسانا آخر ؟؟لماذا نستريح مع إنسان ونضجر من إنسان آخر؟؟؟لماذا نثق بإنسان وتساورنا الشكوك إزاء إنسان آخر ؟؟؟لماذا نقترب من إنسان ونصادقه ؟ ولماذا ننفر من آخر بعد أول لقاء؟؟هل هناك أرواح تتآلف مع بعضها البعض وأخرى تتنافر ؟؟وهل يحدث فعلا في منتصف رحله العمر أن نغير رأينا في صديق أو في إنسان نعرفه عن قرب؟؟هل يتغير الإنسان ؟ هل ينقلب حاله ؟ وتبرز له صفات جديدة أو تتكشف صفات لم نكن نعرفها رغم قربه منا ….أم أننا لم نكن نعرفه حقا أو أنه كان بارعا في أخفاء صفاته الحقيقية وإظهار صفات مزيفه لكي يحقق بها أغراض ومآرب أخرى ...

لماذا هذه أصعب كلمة

لماذا هذه أصعب كلمة ؟

لديك الشجاعة لتقولها ؟؟؟؟؟؟

هي كلمة ربما تكون أصعب جملة في الوجود لدى البعض لا أحد يقولها وهو يشعر بالراحة بل ربما يقولها الناس وهم يتجرعون المرارة.. والحزن وكأنها خطيئة الخطايا لماذا تبدو هذه الجملة بهذه الصعوبة ولماذا تبدو مستحيلة أحيانا ؟؟ لماذا لا نعترف بكل بساطة ونقول بكل شجاعة هي( آســــف ) ..نعم أنا آسف فهل أنت من هذه الفئة من الناس ؟ لماذا لا نشعر ان الاعتذار عن الخطأ فضيلة ونرفض أن نقول هذه الكلمة لماذا نشعر أننا نهين أنفسنا إذا اعترفنابها وحتى لو خسرنا كل شيء متى سنفرق بين الاهانة والاعتراف بالخطأ بشجاعة لماذا نبخل على أنفسنا بهذه الروح الاسلامية المتواضعة ونستعلي على الاخرين ونحرم أنفسنا من أجر المبادرة بالصلح وهنالك ست أسباب تجعلنا نبادر بالاعتذار فالاعتراف بالحق فضيلة والعناد قد يؤدي لخطأ أكبر وأكبر وحتى تستطيع التغلب على الخجل تذكر النقاط التالية حتى يصبح :نطقك للكلمة سهلا لا أحد منزه عن الخطأ - الاحساس بالغضب هو الذي دفعنا للخطأ وهو احساس طبيعي يمر به كل انسان -معظم الأخطاء يمكن اصلاحها -الاعتذار ليس بهذه الصعوبة التي نتصورها فهو مجرد كلمة نقولها في الوقت المناسب - ان غيرك سيقدم لك الاعتذار اذا اخطأ في حقك -ان اعتذارك سيجعلك الأفضل عند الله عزوجل لحديث الرسول صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم -لا يحل لرجل أن يهجر أخاه فوق ثلاث ليال يلتقيان فيعرض هذا ويعرض هذا وخيرهما ""الذي يبدأ بالسلام لكن بعد هذا كله يبقى سؤال مغلف بعلامة استفهام ؟ ليس بحاجة إلى إجابة بقدر ما هو بحاجةلتطبيق وترجمة عملية في واقعنا والسؤال قد تكون لدي الشجاعة فعلا لأعتذرلمن حولي إذا أخطأت في حقهم فهل أجد ذلك الكريم الذي يقبل إعتذاري برحابة صدر
وينسى ما مضى ؟؟



When I die, if they should cut open my heart,And gently pull the two halves apart,They would find your name written inside,In big red letters seven inches wide.You captured my heart when you entered my life,You captured my soul when you became my Whole Life,Ever since then you've been part of my mind,And if they cut open my head I'm sure they would find,Your name would be written inside there too,All over my brain, and all the way through,So there's something that I want you to know,Something I would like to say to you, soI love you with all of me whole,I love you with my heart, mind, body and soul.

تذكر أنك إنسان ..!!

تذكر أنك إنسان ..!! إن أحسست أن وجودك مثل عدمه.. إن أحسست يوما .. بأنك مرهق من ركض السنين و ان ابتسامتك تختفي خلف تجاعيد الايام و ان الحياة اصبحت لا تطاق ان شعرت ان الدنيا اصبحت سجنا لانفاسك و ان الساعات لا تعني الا مزيدا من ألم و ان كل شئ اصبح موجعا ارسم على وجهك ابتسامة من قهر و اسكب من عينك دمـعـة مـن فرح ان طـــــعــــنــــك صــــــديـق او احـــتـــلـــك الـــضـــيـــق ان فــقــدت كـل شــــئ .. جــمــيل و تحطم طموح على كف المستحيل افتح عينك للهواء و النور لا تهرب من نفسك في الظلام عد الى النور و احضن عروقك المفتوحة و جراحك التي اصبحت تحتاج لك اكثر اشعرها بوجودك .. و اشعر انت بوجودها تعلم فن التسامح و عش بمنطق الهدوء لا تجعل قلبك مستودعا للكره و الحقد و الحسد و الظلام لا تـنظر إلى من حولك باكثر من ابتسامة تجتاز المسافات و تخترق حواجــــز الصراع ابتسم لهم رغم كل ما فيك من اوجاع فأنت هكذا .. تعيش اقوى من ألمك و من شيــطان نفسك و من حب ذاتك احمل في قلبك ريشة ترسم بها لوحة يتذكرك بها الاخرون و لا تجعله يحمل .. رصاصة .. تغتال بها كل الجمال حولك مسكين جدا انت حين تظن ان الكره يجعلك اقوى و ان الحقد يجعلك اذكى وان القسوة و الجفاف هي ما تجعلك انسانا محترما تعلم ان تضحك مـــع من معك و ان تشاركه ألمه و معاناته عـــش مـعـه وتـعايــش بـــه عش كبيرا .. و تعلم ان تحتوي كل من يمر بك لا تصرخ عندمـــا يتأخر صديقك ولا تجزع حين تفقد شيئا يخصك تذكر ان كل شئ قد كانـ في لوحة القـدر قبل ان تكون شخصا من بين ملايين البشر ان غضب صديقك .. اذهب و صافحه و احتضنه وان غضبت من صديقك .. افتح له يديك و قلبك ان خسرت شيئا .. فتذكر انك قد كسبت اشياءاً و ان فاتك موعد .. فتذكر انك قد تلحق موعــدا ً مهما كان الالم مريرا و مهما كان القادم .. مجهولا افتح عينك للاحلام و الطموح فغــدا يوم جديـــد .. و غدا أنت شخــــص جديد لا تحاول ان تجلس و ان تضحك الاخرين بسخرية من هذا الشخص او ذاك فقد تحفر في قلبه جرحا .. لن تشعر به و لكنه سيعيش به حتى اخر يوم من عمره فهل على الدنيا اقبح من ان تنام .. و ان ينامون و صديقك .. يأن من جرحك ؟!! و يتوجع من كلماتك ؟! كن قلبا و روحا تمر بسلام على الدنيا حتى يأتي يوم رحيلك .. الى الاخرة فتجد من يبكي عليك من الاعماق لا من يبكي عليك .. بحكم العادات و التقاليد و لا تدري .. متى يكون الرحيل ربما يكون اقرب من شربة الماء .. او اقرب من انفاس الهواء صدقني ساعتها .. سترى ان الحياة يمكن ان تكون جميلة حتى في عز الالم و في وسط المعاناة .. ستجد ان ابتسامة ما تخرج من اعماقك تخرج من زحمة اليأس و المرارة تخرج من صميم الذات عندها ستتذكر كم أنت إنسان