my music

Sunday, January 27, 2008

I believe

1. I believe that life is there to enjoy.2. I believe crushes are there to crush hearts.3. I believe true love is there from the start. 4. I believe you should give people chances. 5. I believe you should treat people the same because you never know what they will do for you in the future. 6. I believe that good things will come to people who work hard. 7. I believe great things come to people who never give up . 8. I believe silence will teach you something if you listen hard. 9. I believe that the heart leads you in the right direction if you follow it. 10. I believe friends are needed no matter who you are. 11. I believe family should stick by your side. 12. I believe God will help you if you believe in him and trust him. 13. I believe drugs destroy. 14. I believe sleep calms the soul. 15. I believe the heart and soul are more important than looks. 16. I believe trust helps the world go round. 17. I believe love brings great things. 18. I believe kids could teach adults a lot if adults would just listen. 19.I believe pets are great because they listen and love you no matter what you look like. 20. I believe you should always chase your dreams.21. I believe hope is something everyone needs. 22. I believe you need to make time for fun.23. I believe music soothes the soul.24. I believe that money cannot buy happiness. 25. I believe books can take you anywhere.26. I believe jokes have to be there to keep people sane. 27. I believe people are special the way they are. 28. I believe that true friends will last a lifetime. 29. I believe that enjoying what you do will help you enjoy life more.30. I believe parents are more important than you think. 31. I believe the sky is the limit. 32. I believe you should shoot for the stars. 33. I believe being loved and loving are two totally different things. 34. I believe that you have to love yourself before you can love others. 35. I believe records are made to be broken.36. I believe promises should be kept.37. I believe brothers and sisters are made to teach. 38. I believe a simple smile can make anybody's day better. 39. I believe that being popular is not the key to life. 40. I believe in being nice to nerds because you might grow up and have to work for one .

1 comment:

l77.99l said...

لو فعلا طبقنا هذي الاشياء بالحياة و تعاملنا مع الناس راح تسير حللوة